About Us
The Edmonton Springboard and Platform Diving Club is a non-profit Society with management under the direction of two time Olympic Team Coach, Herb Flewwelling.
Our staff of National and International certified coaches provide fun filled achievement oriented programs with badges (for learn to dive) and competitive training for all others.
The participants learn the basic skills, trampoline and dryland and diving techniques all the way up to competitive training skills. Personal and general skills are taught including self discipline, courage, coordination, balance, grace, strength, flexibility, team spirit, sport psychology, fitness and health, planning, focus and determination.
Our learn to dive program consists of 15 minutes of strength training, stretching and physical conditioning, 15 minutes of skills on the trampoline and the same on dryboards. Divers then have an additional 45 minutes in the water using diving boards ranging from ΒΌ metre to 1 metre and 3 metres while learning to perfect their acrobatic skills.
The competitive and pre-competitive programs build on these same skills and increase the amount of time and difficulty of each of the skills.
Our Mission:
To provide high performance training to all divers at every level of personal and athletic excellence, including that of Olympic Champion.

Our Goals:
To provide training which will allow every diver to be the best they can be from a handicapped diver to Olympic champion. We must maximize resources of divers, coaches and training facilities to achieve success by having a liaison with schools, gymnastics clubs and through advertising we attempt to reach every potential diver. We hire coaches educated and experienced in coaching at all our various competitive levels and we build and buy diving training equipment to run a high quality program.
Our Facility
Our Facility is one of the top training facilities in the world, consiting of:
- 10m, 7.5m, 5,m and 3m platforms
- 4 - 3 meter spring boards
- 6 - 1 meter spring boards
- 1/4 meter spring board
- 1/2 meter spring board
- 1.25 meter spring board
- 1.75 meter spring board
- 7 - trampolines one which is a spotting trampoline
- 9 - dryboards (springboards onto mats)
- full 1 - 10 meter bubble machine
- 3 - full sized gym tumble mats for dryland and conditioning